New distributor announcement in KZ

We are pleased to announce that we recently appointed a distributor in Kazakstan

ReachMedia Group and Caspian Communication Alliance LTD (CCA Ltd) is working on the market of the Digital Signage and videoconferencing more than 5 years. A group of professionals is ready to deliver best quality products for Digital Signage project of you company in Kazakhstan.


Kazakhstan, Astana/Almaty
tell: +77011111471

Design = "what" will be done and "where" it will happen
Planning = "When" it will be done
Scheduling = "Who" will do it




Mocom’s New Website
ALR projection screen mocom solstice
Mocom Screen on National Carers Day
solstice comparison with other ALR screens and matte white screen
Mocom’s New Product Line “Solstice™” projection screen

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