KOBA 2011

KOBA 2011

Korea Broadcast.audio.lighting equipment show

The biggest Korea A/V(Audio Visual) Show will be held in COEX, Seoul from June 14-17.

This year, Mocom will show 3D Solstice screens and other products.

You will be amazed how Mocom screen works great in the high ambient lights.

Venue: Coex, S.Korea

Date :  June 14-17

Booth # : 1911

If you need any invitation or help, please contact us at anytime.

For more information about the show, please visit  koba Website.

See you at the show 🙂



Mocom’s New Website
ALR projection screen mocom solstice
Mocom Screen on National Carers Day
solstice comparison with other ALR screens and matte white screen
Mocom’s New Product Line “Solsticeâ„¢” projection screen

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